Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh no!!! I have a teenager for a daughter!!!

NOTE: This post was written in March 2011, when my only daughter turned 13. It was one of the earlier post in my old Single Fatherhood blog.

Last January, my daughter turned 13. Yes, I know. That was already two months ago. Well, it didn't sink in on me then yet. She was still a baby then… I’d like to think that she still is.

There were apprehensions, sure. At the back of my mind, paranoia was stubbornly bugging me. I was trying my best to brush it off. How bad could it be? I mean, she was not the first teenager in the house! She was the third, actually.

But she was the only girl… and the youngest. Yes, her brothers didn't bring me much concern when they turned 13. I refuse to be bitten by the double standards of child rearing… nothing could go wrong!

Or could it?

Then, there were screen flashes. Images of 
Steve Martin from the movie Father of the Bride kept on playing on my mind. Followed by Robin Williams who was so sweet and playful with a cute little girl on one scene, and then the next screen showed him fighting and arguing with the girl who’s already a teener in the person of Jojo from the movie RV (Runaway Vacation).


Nah! There’s nothing to be worried about. I am on top of the situation.

First, my daughter now goes home by herself. She doesn't want me to pick her up from school anymore. Okay, no problem. She should learn to be independent anytime soon.

Then, phone calls. Not really often, and not really as long as those we see in the movies. But they happen, whereas before, they were not non-existent.

Next, receiving a phone call or text message from her that says, “Dad, I’m in my classmate’s house. Were doing a project/practicing a dance routine for school.” “Okay, fine. Just take care of yourself.”

See! I’m in control! I am on top of the situation. NO NEED TO PANIC!


I am being pushed out of the picture… little by little.

I promised myself that I will never be a hindrance to my children’s growth. I will let them learn, experience, discover, and enjoy life just as any growing kid should.

Can I take back that promise now?

It’s barely six months into her teen years, and already there are a lot of changes… and I sometimes want to shout…. HELP!!! I HAVE A TEENAGER FOR A DAUGHTER!!!

P.S. Two years after this post was written, with my daughter now already 15, nothing much has really changed. My Angel never pushed me out of the picture, and she is still my little darling.

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